Advisory Committee on Ethics, Conflicts, and Security (ACECS)
Research Integrity & Independence
WHOI has a well-established culture of scientific integrity: honest investigation, open discussion, refined understanding and a firm commitment to evidence, free from inappropriate influence or attempts to suppress or alter scientific or technological findings. The quality, objectivity and independence of WHOI research are core values, which cannot be compromised.
WHOI’s Advisory Committee on Ethics, Conflicts, and Security (ACECS) promotes the principles of ethical research, the protection of national security interests, and their impact on WHOI’s mission and successful operation.
Advisory Committee on Ethics, Conflicts, and Security (ACECS)
The Advisory Committee on Ethics, Conflicts, and Security (ACECS) oversees issues related to conflicts of interest and commitment within the Institution. ACECS evaluates the potential risks associated with financial conflicts of interest, security concerns, and reputational risks that may arise when WHOI researchers or technical staff participate in industry-sponsored research, engage in outside professional activities, or have start-up companies intending to submit SBIR/STTR proposals.
The committee is responsible for developing a management plan that mitigates the risk of a conflict of interest or commitment.
Activities for ACECS Review
Supervisors or Departments can bring any activities or COI and COC concerns to ACECS for review. Any referral for COI or COC review and all significant COI and COC are reviewed and analyzed by ACECS for the DOR.
Examples of activities to review are:
- All projects involving Industry-Sponsored Research or with a Financially-Interested Company.
- Outside consulting with a Financially-Interested Company.
- Use of Institution facilities or equipment.
- Participation by an Individual in commercial activities or industry.
- Commitments of a professional or business nature of more than eighty hours per year, conducted during normal working hours, or that otherwise detracts from normal employment expectations or normal work hours.
- Acceptance of compensation or perquisites if the amount received appears inconsistent with values of the service provided.
- Service that involves remuneration, other than travel and incidental expense and Standard Honorarium, from any organization or individual or individual from which the Institution currently receives or has received grants or other support, or with which the Institution has signed agreements or understandings.
- Service that benefits, directly or indirectly, an organization or Individual to which the Individual or a close relative is indebted or obligated, or in which the Individual or a close relative is a partner, director, officer, employee, or share owner, or has other beneficial or creditor interest.
- Projects with foreign governments or foreign nationals that involves National Security issues.
- Work with industry partners that might lead to the creation of or exposure to WHOI Intellectual Property.
ACECS Workflow

* Institutional Compliance Officer (ICO)